Pink Brunch 2

Happy New Year!!

Pink Brunch

The new year is here, and I couldn’t be anymore excited!!  I’m excited because it’s a new year, and I get a fresh new beginning on my goals for 2016.  BUT I’m MORE excited because it’s my 1 YEAR BLOGIVERSARY!!!!! To celebrate I planned a “Pink Brunch” for all of my friends and supporters.  The brunch was my way of saying thank you to everyone for their kind words and thoughts throughout my entire first year in the blogging world.  I chose the pink theme because it’s my favorite color, and I thought it would be really cute if everyone wore pink…lol.


Pink Brunch Pink Brunch

I had so much fun decorating!!


Pink BrunchPink BrunchPink BrunchHow cute are these high heel place card holders?!  I purchased them from a fellow blogger who actually lives in the Flint area. 🙂 🙂  Everyone loved them, and got to take them home.  They’re perfect to hold a picture on your desk or nightstand.


First up on the agenda was my favorite game…..the purse game!  Everyone searched their purses, tallying up their points.  And with a TJ Maxx gift card as the prize, everyone was on high alert… was getting really serious!

Pink Brunch

Pink BrunchPink BrunchPink BrunchPink BrunchIt was a very tight race, but Vicki won with over 300 points…..sorry B Sutt lol.


Now it’s time to eat!

Pink BrunchPink BrunchPink BrunchSaladtinis!!! 😀


Lastly I had one more contest for these ladies.  Now I couldn’t be MsClothesminded without judging their fashion taste.  I had a DSW gift card for the lady with the cutest shoes.  These were the nominees..

DSCN0625Pink BrunchPink BrunchAnd the winner was….

Pink BrunchLatoya!! My SoleSister!  I’m a sucker for a classic nude pump!


All in all I’m so thankful for everyone who came and everyone who sent well wishes.  My heart is full, and I am forever grateful.  Thank you all.

Pink Brunch


Here are more pics from the celebration…. Enjoy!


Pink BrunchPink Brunch

Top: MissGuided

Skirt: NY & Co.

Pumps: Guess (Macys)

Anklet: ASOS


I have one year under my belt, but I’m just getting started… 😉



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