Retail Therapy

This last month has really taken its toll out on me.  My grandfather had surgery on September 16th in hopes of removing the cancer in his lung.  And, it just seems like everyday his health deteriorates.  It’s the worse feeling in the world to have to sit and watch a loved one suffer, and know that there is nothing you can do to help them.  At the end of the day, all I can do is put my trust and faith in GOD…

Retail Therapy

It’s times like this that I realize that everyone deals with pain and loss differently.  I know it sounds cliché, but shopping really is my therapy.  It’s the only way I can take myself away from the painful reality, even if it is just momentarily.   It’s funny because the last thing he said to me after his surgery was that I had too many shoes. 🙂


Love you grandpa

