Flashback Friday: MFW


I look forward to this time of the year every year….MICHIGAN FASHION WEEK.


Michigan isn’t necessarily known all over the globe for its great fashion sense, but we are definitely up and coming!  One of the top reasons for this boost of publicity is because of Michigan Fashion Week.  It’s when people from all over the state come together to celebrate our fashion and our culture.  We celebrate what makes us special and what sets us apart from the rest! 🙂


My first time attending MFW was two years ago in 2013.  The fashion show itself was amazing, however one designer stood out to me the most: Matt Richmond.  His entire collection was made up of recyclable items…like yellow pages, bubble wrap, even VHS tape!  My favorite piece was a couture gown made of Kroger grocery bags.  So creative!

Flashback Friday: MFWMy look for MFW 2013-

Top: Forever21 (similar)

Skirt: ASOS (similar)


In 2014, they kept the ball rolling with a great lineup of events for the entire week.  I attended the fashion panel event, and boy did I learn a ton!  There were two panelist that really caught my attention and fueled my desire for fashion.  Karen Buscemi, who is the editor for StyleLine magazine AND Founder of Detroit Garment Guild Group.  The other being my boo/mentor  and glamaholic herself, Mia Ray.  These women gave great insight into the business side of the fashion industry.  Very proud of these women, and because of them I am inspired to follow my fashion dreams. 😀


Flashback Friday: MFW

Loren, MFW Founder and CEO, and myself.  Great minds think alike. 😉

My look for MFW 2104.


Pants: HUE (similar)


Year after year MFW just seems to get better and better.  I’m excited for this year’s competition.  I’m sure it’ll be talked about all the way up to next year’s event! 😉

Flashback Friday: MFW



See you there!

