Pearls of Wisdom

Hey pretty girl!

Pearls of Wisdom

I had the opportunity to attend a seminar called “Pearls of Wisdom”.  The seminar was hosted by a non-profit group named the Michigan Association for Female Entrepreneurs (MAFE).  I found this event on Crain’s website, and what attracted it to me the most was their goal to empower women through entrepreneurship.  There are tons of women’s groups, but very few are focused on the entrepreneurial  spirit, so I figured I would give it a shot.  Everyone was really open, and I found the presentation to be very informative!  I’m looking forward learning more about this non-profit and possibly becoming a member myself! 🙂


One of the requirements to this seminar was actually to wear pearls.  I love wearing pearls because they’re so classic and chic!  I figured this was as good a time as any to debut my new necklace! 🙂 This necklace was actually kind of pricy….$40.  But since this is really 5 separate necklaces all attached as one, I talked myself into thinking that was a great deal….lol.  It was a great hit paired with my neon pink shift dress and pumps.  Good job Krissy! 😀



Pearls of Wisdom Pearls of Wisdom

Dress: Boohoo

Pumps: Jessica Simpson (similar)

Necklace: Charming Charlie


Have a great holiday weekend!  I’m heading to the west coast, so I’m sure I’ll have new obsessions to share! 😉

