Krissy’s Kloset Sale!!! :)

It’s finally here, and I couldn’t be more excited…..KRISSY’S KLOSET SALE!!! 😉


Lately I’ve been having a hard time fitting all my clothes and shoes into my closet.  I was even being really dramatic and briefly thought about moving, just for a bigger closet.  It wasn’t until I started to actually go through the things in my closet that I realized there was so much to get rid of!!  I am one of those people that once I take a pic in an outfit, I really don’t want to wear it again.  That’s not the case for all my clothes, but just those special one of a kind pieces.  I have shoes that I bought because they were a great deal, and never really planned on wearing them.  It’s just a bunch of stuff taking up space, and now it’s time for them to have a new home. 🙂 🙂


I decided to post my stuff on Ebay so everyone has a fair chance and everything is fair game.  I planned on having one massive sale, however Ebay only let’s me list 5 items a month. 🙁  So the plan now will be to post 5 items monthly up for bidding.


Krissy's Kloset Sale

Check out what’s up for grabs now here, here, here, here, and here.


Happy shopping! 😉

