March Madness: Birthday Suit 4

Happy 27th Birthday To Me! 😀

Birthday Suit

I am officially a year older and wiser; I dress better too.  😉  I am so blessed, and I thank GOD everyday for everything and everybody in my life.  I am so thankful for all my troubles because without them I would have never been able to grow and develop as a woman.  I’ve learned that everything doesn’t have to be picture perfect and to just go with the flow.  I am becoming more and more confident in myself, and I must say that this is an amazing feeling.  Twenty-six was such a memorable age for me, and I know that twenty-seven will be even greater.

I wanted to try something a little different with my bday outfit; something other than the normal bday dress.  I love wearing suits, especially pink ones!  It’s a feminine touch to a masculine look.    I’m very much into classic, vintage looks so I added a Chanel inspired broach to make it timeless.

Birthday Suit Birthday Suit


Blazer: MissGuided

Pants: MissGuided

Broach: MyPinsandNeedles


Go girl….it’s your birthday! 😀

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