Work vs Werk 1

“Your net-worth equals your network”.




It’s not always about who you know, but more importantly who knows you.  It’s about the people who will put you on and recommend you to others that will impact your business.  I’m all about networking, so when I was invited to an open house for Detroit Young Professionals, I quickly signed up.  They’re a great non-profit org who promotes unity for business men and women within the community, so I was very eager to learn more about them and the events they host.  Not to mention, the event is being held at one of downtown Detroit’s newest hot spots – Punch Bowl Social.  Sounds like fun! 🙂


Before anything, I’m an accountant.  I always try to dress professionally, and yet still add a little of my personality and style to it.  And since I will be attending the open house straight from work, I want something that would be appropriate for both settings.  One of my favorite things to wear is a blazer.  They are so versatile; you can literally wear them with anything.  I cannot tell you how much I adore this vintage blazer from the Style Dolls 😉 !  It reminds me so much of Hilary from Fresh Prince and Cher from Clueless.  They weren’t the brightest crayons in the box, but …. (insert witty comeback here).  I’ve packed my favorite leggings to change into after work, just so my look won’t be all work and no play 😉 .  Just by adding my faux leather jeggings, my look says, “I can prepare your tax return, and then show you where to shop with the money I saved you.” 😛






Blazer: The Style Dolls (similar)

Faux leather Jeggings: Macys

Pumps: Ralph Lauren- Macys  (similar)


It’s always business; never personal.  😉

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