The Ultimate Woman

What is the ultimate woman?


The Ultimate WomanThis weekend I had the pleasure of attending a two day event called ‘The Ultimate Women’s Event’.  It focused on women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship.  It was such a great honor to be in room full of ambitious women who owned their own businesses and were willing to share their expertise with everyone.  Just listening to their stories filled me with so much inspiration.  I took so many notes, and I couldn’t wait to get home to jot down all my new ideas.  I cannot wait to reconnect with all these women next year to see how much we’ve accomplished in 2015! 🙂


Right now, I’m in a skirt phase.  I love them.  I wear then as much as I can.  They are so feminine and lady-like, and at this point in my life, that’s thee exact aura I want to give off.  I instantly fell in love with this tulip skirt from ASOS.  BUT, the $85 price tag for a faux leather skirt was an immediate turnoff.  I had been looking for this type of skirt for a long time, but I just couldn’t see myself paying that much for a skirt that wasn’t even real leather.  No thank you.  Then before I knew it, the skirt went out of stock.  It was then that I realized that the saying was true, “Nothing haunts us more than the things we don’t buy”.  I found myself dreaming and longing for this was getting  So as soon as I saw that it got restocked, I bought it….full price.  And guess what happened after I bought it…?  IT WENT ON SALE!! 😛  I can’t complain though because I really do love this skirt.  Even though it’s not real leather, it’s still very soft, and seems like it will last for a long while.

The Ultimate WomanThe Ultimate WomenBodysuit: Boohoo

Skirt: ASOS

Pumps: Ralph Lauren- Macys (similar)


I received so many compliments on this skirt that it was worth the price! 😉

